General information about battery related terms can be useful to understand battery technology easily.

Anode: The electrode in an electrochemical/galvanic cell that experiences oxidation, or gives up electrons. (+)

Ampere: The Standard International base unit of current intensity. 1 Ampere flows through one Ohm of resistance, when a potential of one volt is applied. I=E/R.

Ampere-Hour: The quantity of electricity that passes through a circuit in one hour, when the rate of flow is one ampere. Expressed as Ah or Mah

Battery Capacity: The total number of Ampere-hours that can be derived from a fully loaded battery, under a specified set of conditions. The current supplying capability of a battery in ampere-hours.

Cathode: The electrode in an electrochemical/galvanic cell, at which a reduction reaction occurs, or the electrode that receives electrons from an external circuit. In other words, a terminal or electrode through which electrons enter a direct current load. (-)

Energy: The capacity for doing work. Common forms of energy include electric energy, chemical energy,

Energy Density: The ratio of the energy available from a battery, to its cell mass. Expressed in Joules per gram.

Ion: A particle  that carries a positive or negative charge.

Load: A term used to indicate the current drain on a battery when power is delivered to external devices or circuit elements.

Nominal Voltage: The characteristic operating voltage or rated voltage of a battery.

Ohm: The basic unit of resistance, reactance, or impedance.

Parallel: A term used to describe the inter-connection of cell or batteries in which all like terminals are connected together.

Potential: The electrical pressure causes charge carriers to move through a substance or circuit.

Volt: The basic unit expressing a difference of potential.

Voltage: Electromotive force or difference of potential. E=IR, where I is current and R is resistance.

Working Voltage: The typical range of voltages of a battery during discharge